We can't forget that the hopes and aspirations of a nation are not one mans responsibility, but that of the collective. We have made managing them his charge. For 21 months I have believed Barack Obama is the transformational figure we have needed. And now, more than ever, I believe that we can take the steps toward righting so many wrongs.
Domestically and internationally. It will not be overnight, the mess is eight years and more in the making.You can argue in many respects that it has run as the subtext of our nation since we declared independence 232 years ago. I am just going to enjoy the next couple days while I can... then back to the good fight. It is our responsibility as citizens... as a nation.
Domestically and internationally. It will not be overnight, the mess is eight years and more in the making.You can argue in many respects that it has run as the subtext of our nation since we declared independence 232 years ago. I am just going to enjoy the next couple days while I can... then back to the good fight. It is our responsibility as citizens... as a nation.
I think that this election demonstrates to the world that we can live up to our ideals, instead of just preaching them. Instead of enforcing them with an arrogance and infliction of injustice that undermines our constitutional obligations. Our obligations to our neighbors, even our friends. This is our moment to re-engage ourselves and our duties as Americans to one another and to our brothers and sisters around the world.
There is a long row to hoe ahead. I can't help but feel optimistic. Like the sentimentality expressed in the famous Reagan ad, "It's morning in America." And I believe a dawn of a new day.