Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rachel + Jimmy Fallon + Bijoux Cocktail

New Idea: Life Caddie

It is raining today. Heading out for our morning commute, Wife drops her coffee. Seems the umbrella was enough to tip the scale on what is a manageable load to manage carrying.

Slipping into her seat, she declares her need for a 'Life Caddie'.

Good god damn. This is a great idea. I know in there are various forms of this role being performed daily: movie stars have assistants, politicians have handlers, and mob bosses have their Hench men... but a Life Caddie?

Someone to hold your umbrella, and carry your shit. Light your cigars and advise you on the ferocity of the wind. You know, among other things. The possibilities...

The wonderful thing is that we all have a need for one, or at least a want. A want in my world is principally the same concept as a need, just more expensive.

I would like my Life Caddie to be a crotchety old man. A dirty-joke-telling-surly-smells-like-booze-and-over-ripe-apples-and-wears-a-page-boy kinda guy. Someone who is at my door at 5 am, just waiting.

Anyway, the commute was uneventful, we arrived on schedule, it was raining harder now...

As she was getting out of the car, Wife dropped her purse in a puddle. All she said was, "Life Caddie."

And that's all she needed to say.

Frontline: 10 Trillion and Counting

This is illuminating. Please do yourselves a favor and, at the very least, listen.

Note: It takes a minute to load in the beginning, Note the spinning. For some reason it starts on Chapter 2. You can manually go back.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Keith v. O'Reilly

Obama + Press Conference + Keith + Chris Matthews

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

NPR + Bravo!

This is nice to hear. No pun intended. Now maybe some people should start contributing.

See article.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama + 60 Minutes

Watch CBS Videos Online

Best Month Ever!!!

Socially speaking, that it. First, I get kidnapped and wake up on Jesus Island.

And now... the band is getting back together! That's right, the Perv and his lovely bride-to-be will be hitting the nation's capital. I may have to invoke Prima Nocte a little earlier than planned.

Right now, I am going to get fitted for a new pair of drinking shoes. F-it. I am getting drinking cleats!

The big 3-0 is on deck and you should have seen the performance in batting practice. This could be epic, Jim...

Beach Boys + Good Vibrations + 1976

Band of Horses + The Funeral

MMJ + One Big Holiday

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tapped + Trailer


Something you may not know. The fingernails on my left hand seem to grow slightly faster that those on my right. This is a bit disconcerting, but mostly makes my trimming schedule awkward. Hell, at least my face is somewhat symmetrical. That is why they say Denzel is so attractive. Because his face is perfectly symmetrical.

Denzel and me. That's what they say.

As for my feet. Well, I fear beach weddings. It is a whole other level down there, man. I gross myself out. I'm thinking about inventing something called Bed Shoes. I think the name says it all.

Anyhow. I am pretty sure that due to my pharmacopoeia of vitamins — all of which I take nightly because I am getting old and dying from the inside — that my wish for slower production of protein and keratin is nothing more than a pipe dream.

Obama + Leno

Colbert v. Steele + Rap Battle

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Michael Steele's Rap Battle Response
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMark Sanford

John + Bruce

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Bruce Springsteen - Interview
Daily Show Full EpisodesImportant Things w/ Demetri MartinPolitical Humor

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
Bruce Springsteen - Working on a Dream
Daily Show Full EpisodesImportant Things w/ Demetri MartinPolitical Humor

The Decemberists + Hazards of Love + Livestream + Today Only!!!

The Hazards of Love

Friday Music Day: The Decemberists + The Mariners Revenge Song

This was my original idea for Friday Music Day. Be sure to check out their new album, The Hazards of Love, which is streaming today. Link here.

UPDATE: Stream Above!!! You're welcome.

Friday Music Day: Dr. Dog + My Old Ways + Request

Something strange happened. I received a request for the Friday Music Day post. And even more impressive, it passed the East Coast Elite Standards Test (ECEST) with flying colors.

Who knew I was so influential? Here you are, Username: 7dollarbeer, whoever you are. I think I know who you are...

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Dead Weather + Hang You From The Heavens

John + Jim + Unedited

Keith + Hersch v. Cheney + Covert Assassination Ring

Friday Music Day: Stevie Wonder + Sir Duke + Superstition on Sesame Street + Motown Revue Drum Solo

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Eric + Punk Band

I think we have started a punk band. I see it as spanning out from strictly punk to some Noise-Rock type stuff. No one ever really knows. I sometimes get demos left on voicemail. Either by my band mate or by myself after my wife has gone to bed and I have had too much wine.

A purple-lipped-stained-tooth-good-for-nothin'-yawp!

We started a band a long time ago. Back when we had access to de-tuned instruments. I think it was agreed upon by letter mail. I am pretty sure it involved a type-writer. Before it ran out of ink ribbons and our booze was all gone.

We actually have three songs. In the course of 20 minutes, very punk indeed! No ink needed.

The miraculous inter-web. Oh, how things never really change.

Correction: Not Philadelphia. Jamaica!

So, I was kidnapped. I am still recovering from the excellent surprise that was a trip to Jamaica for my birthday. Not dinner in Philadelphia. Dinner in Montego Bay. I have the most amazing wife.

Sometimes the world looks perfect. I drank so much rum. So much that I am Cousin Larry Appleton. Oh, Jesus Island, I miss you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Off to Philadelphia

Off to Philadelphia. To celebrate birthdays and law exam debauchery. Wine and friends and family. The good stuff.

I seek absinthe when I spend time in this old American city. I suppose Baltimore is a more appropriate place, if your cravings are inspired by literature. But what the hell. I am much too un-stoned for Baltimore these days. It makes me fall too sullen, most of the time.

And this brings me back to Prague. Prague was the best-worst-first-oh-god-lord-women-dancing-topless-in-hazy-windows-Eastern-European-former-Soviet-bloc experience I had with "la fée verte". I have to say, I had no idea what I was doing. But the wormwood sure did.

U Staré Paní — the burgundy basement brimming with bright jazz — wood, fabric, refracting. Candle light, bright red everywhere, it got into your head, man.

We Americans ordered beer and absinthe. We were sat at a table they carried down front. Copacabana style. A simple juice glass, very full accompanied by a box of matches, slotted spoon, sugar, and water was put within my reach. And quickly, it was late. Every faculty I had, mental or physical, was challenged after we had cashed-out/in from the Jazz haunt. Limbs and ramblings exposed for their varying degrees of disenfranchisement from my intentions.


I had no idea the night I was in for when I began. Oh, and the next day awash in a gray soot.

Prague. Philadelphia. I take it differently, now. Much slower. With intent. With a proper pour, some burned sugar cubes, and a touch of water. You can find a way to measure anything these days.

And. As family is involved, I think the absinthe will stay capped these next few days. Wine, that's what it must be. You know, for the good of the company we keep.

Friday Music Day: Leonard Cohen + The Future

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Beck + Girl

John + CNBC + Financial Advice?

For Noto + Eric: Shirley + Unbought + Unbossed '72

More to come in the near future, kids.


Peep the new Chisholm oil painting. Pretty bad-ass.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Chart + Useless Facts

Kanye + VHI Storytellers

Death Cab + Grapevine Fires

Royksopp + Happy Up There

Happy Up Here from Röyksopp on Vimeo.

John + CPAC

Rachel + Rep. Franke

Keith + Budget

Alice in Chains + Over Now + Unplugged

Hitchens + Battle of Beirut

“Well there’s that swastika now,” Christopher said.

Read more here.
