- Gorillaz + Demon Days + Live
- Friday Music Day: Beastie Boys + Shake Your Rump
- Keith + Republican Budget?
- LeBron!!! + Half Man Half Amazing
- Rachel + Jimmy Fallon + Bijoux Cocktail
- New Idea: Life Caddie
- Frontline: 10 Trillion and Counting
- Keith v. O'Reilly
- Obama + Press Conference + Keith + Chris Matthews
- NPR + Bravo!
- Obama + 60 Minutes
- Best Month Ever!!!
- Beach Boys + Good Vibrations + 1976
- Band of Horses + The Funeral
- MMJ + One Big Holiday
- Tapped + Trailer
- Vitamins
- Obama + Leno
- Colbert v. Steele + Rap Battle
- John + Bruce
- The Decemberists + Hazards of Love + Livestream + ...
- Friday Music Day: The Decemberists + The Mariners ...
- Friday Music Day: Dr. Dog + My Old Ways + Request
- Colbert + The Word
- Kings of Leon + Sex On Fire
- BLU + Animated Wall Art
- Wilco + Jesus, Etc.
- The Dead Weather + Hang You From The Heavens
- John + Jim + Unedited
- Keith + Hersch v. Cheney + Covert Assassination Ring
- Friday Music Day: Stevie Wonder + Sir Duke + Super...
- Eric + Punk Band
- Correction: Not Philadelphia. Jamaica!
- Off to Philadelphia
- Friday Music Day: Leonard Cohen + The Future
- Beck + Girl
- John + CNBC + Financial Advice?
- For Noto + Eric: Shirley + Unbought + Unbossed '72
- Terry Gross + Shepard Fairey + Interview
- Wilco + I'm The Man Who Loves You
- New Chart + Useless Facts
- Kanye + VHI Storytellers
- Death Cab + Grapevine Fires
- Royksopp + Happy Up There
- John + CPAC
- Rachel + Rep. Franke
- Keith + Budget
- Alice in Chains + Over Now + Unplugged
- Hitchens + Battle of Beirut
- Anne Hathaway + Wow
- MMJ + Thank You Too
- Best New Show: Eastbound + Down