Thursday, March 12, 2009

Eric + Punk Band

I think we have started a punk band. I see it as spanning out from strictly punk to some Noise-Rock type stuff. No one ever really knows. I sometimes get demos left on voicemail. Either by my band mate or by myself after my wife has gone to bed and I have had too much wine.

A purple-lipped-stained-tooth-good-for-nothin'-yawp!

We started a band a long time ago. Back when we had access to de-tuned instruments. I think it was agreed upon by letter mail. I am pretty sure it involved a type-writer. Before it ran out of ink ribbons and our booze was all gone.

We actually have three songs. In the course of 20 minutes, very punk indeed! No ink needed.

The miraculous inter-web. Oh, how things never really change.
